Monday, March 27, 2017

E-Tech Journal 12-24

Internet is very rampant right now. In LAS 12-24, I've learned the safety, threats and security in the internet. I also learned how to use mail merge which is helpful in sending letters to many recipients .
- Aaron Bitoon

This part would be more complex than its predecessors. From here on out, we are being taught to operate different applications. We also learned different file formats that are used by computers and also by phones. My knowledge of technologies continues to be broadened by this subject. I am inclined to know more.
- Dex Ybañez

On this lessons I've write i learn deeper and gain a lot of interesting ideas when it comes through using the web pages I've learn some of online safety and security using the internet and how to stay safe when using the internet. theres a lot of performance task that helps us to make the web pages.
- Eduard Limos

On this lessons I've write with the help of the LAS,Ive learn deeper and gain a lot of interesting ideas when it comes through using the web pages.Not only that but also I've learn some online safety and security towards using the internet and how to stay safe when using the internet.In this part of the lesson, theres a lot of performance task that helps us to enhance our ability when it comes on making a web pages and some parts of the lesson that helps us how to do it so we can learn beyond it.This part of the lesson is very helpful to me because it gives some fascinating ideas that helps me to learn of how to make some web pages and some performance task that helps enhance and to show my ability towards using the power of the World Wide Web.
- Omar Coda

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Empowerment Technologies

E tech is a subject which give the student some knowledge through having connection with the usage of world wide web.It gives the student some ideas of how the people interact through the new era which is the using of technologies and to communicate via internet that more often being use through the world wide web.Without learning this kind of stuff,we cant communicate and to interact on our surroundings that being use on the internet. We should learn this kind of stuff because we can use this on our future especially when communicating and earning some money through our jobs.
-Omar Coda

E-tech subject give the student knowledge about how to connect each other like Facebook and etech subject gives the student ideas on how to use the website in technologies.
-Eduard Limos

In etech I learn a lot about computers it helps the students learn their competencies and lessons through the use of online learning tools, with this students acquire lectures with was used in previous lessons, answer quizzes through online, and do activities that is related with our school work. In studying e tech it can help take along advancement that we can use on our future.
-Jericho Arquiza

In this subject, I've learned lot of things especially in using differents trends in ICT, blogging, mail merging, using excel, powerpoint and even knowing other aspects in using computer in effective and productive manner. The only thing that reminds me when using Computer is by using it in an ethical and useful way.
-Aaron Bitoon

E-Tech Journal: LAS 1-10

Based on what I've write from LAS 1-10, I've learn some new stuffs like the meaning of the ICT, some ideas about WEB like the different kinds of dynamic web pages,the features of the WEB and the semantic Web.Based on this lessons I've write, it gives the true meaning of the background and the structures of the web and its kind and not only that but also the trends beyond it that gives some interesting ideas on the student.I know this lesson is fascinating for the student because to let them not behind towards the usage of the internet especially when it comes Through the Web pages.This will help the student to interact on using some Web pages and to gain the answers why do Web pages exist.
-Omar Coda

Based on what I've write from LAS 1-10, i learn a lot about ICT, some of it is about web like the differentiated static and dynamic web pages,trends in ICT. Based on this lessons I've write it gives what is the social media, social network, book marking sites and etc.
-Eduard Limos

This subject particularly in LAS 1-10 is very useful since I already know what are the trends in ICT, can distinguish if it is dynamic or static and etc. Also, I learned that communicating by using different types of technology is very useful in my future job since it is very rampant.
-Aaron Bitoon

This marks the start of our journey in this subject. In this part, we are given an introduction on the technologies used today like Operating systems and the internet. From this part, I could get an insight on how this subject going to be on its later stages. From this part, I can tell that this is going to be one great ride.
-Dex Ybañez