Thursday, March 16, 2017

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Things , things I can really use in real life. Because of this subject, I know what to do in case of calamities, I know the first thing to do. I also learned how to apply first aid and how to use a fire extinguisher. These things would really come in handy someday.
- Dex YbaƱez

This subject is one of the subject which is very interesting because it gives us some ideas of how does a typhoon occurs, how do volcano explodes, how do earthquakes occur and different kinds of disasters that keep occurring on our lands. Also this subject is important because it gives us ideas when it comes through calamities to get ready towards it. Every people especially students should learn to be ready and to be prepared to the disastrous calamities that cannot predict of when to come. That’s why we need to learn of how to get ready to make ourselves be prepared to avoid injuries and deaths. On this subject, I’ve learn a lot of things that are connected on the disasters. I learn on what should I do before the earthquake occur, during the earthquake and after it occur. I also learn what to do when the volcano explodes, when a typhoon occurs and what to do when a fire occur. This subject really helps me how to survive and helps me not to be injured through to the occurrence of the disaster. I’m happy that this subject was included on our subject because it gives us knowledge of how to get ready to the disastrous calamites that keep arriving without any warning.
- Omar Coda

This subject help to me, to be safe and kniw what are  the things to be done for different man made or natural calamities.
- Aaron Bitoon

Disaster risk reduction i learn a lot like how to use fire extinguisher and i learn what we doing when the disaster come to us like earthquake, fire.
- Eduard Limos

Disaster risk reduction management helps us to have knowledge on the disaster when it comes to us. Disaster is a serious disruption of the functional of society, causing widespread human, material or environmental losses, which exceed the ability of the affected communities to cope using their own resources. We learn from the subject DRRM were the hazards located in our school to be aware from it. The students practicing first aid procedure in school .It helps students how to support a person who suffering an illness or injury.
- Jericho Arquiza

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